1. Grand Khans/Kaghans
    1. Chingiz Khan 1206-1227
    2. Tolui (regent) 1227-1229
    3. Ogetai 1229-1241
    4. Guyuk 1246-1248
    5. Monke (Mangu) 1251-1259
    6. Kubilai 1260-1294
  2. Khans of the Golden Horde
    1. Batu 1227-1255/6
    2. Berke 1255/6-1267
    3. Uzbek 1313-1341
  3. Khans of the Chagataid Khanate
    1. Chagatai 1227-1242
    2. Taliku 1308-1309
    3. Kebek 1318-1326
    4. Ilchigidai 1326
    5. Tamashirin 1326-1334
    6. Buzan 1334
    7. Chingshi 1334-1338
  4. Il-khans
    1. Hulagu 1256-1265
    2. Abaqa 1265-1282
    3. Ahmad (Tegudur) 1282-1284
    4. Arghun 1284-1291
    5. Gaykhatu 1291-1295
    6. Baydu 1295
    7. Mahmud (Ghazan) 1295-1304
    8. Oljaitu 1304-1316
    9. Abu Said 1316-1335
  5. Khans of the Yuan Dynasty (China)
    1. Kubilai 1260-1294
    2. Timur Oljaitu 1294-1307
    3. Toghan Timur 1333-1368



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