Teach Yourself Modern Syriac© CD-ROM
 for Windows

The fastest and easiest way to learn the Modern Assyrian Language


 Teach Yourself Modern Syriac© is the first Modern Syriac teaching software with sound for MS Windows. It is designed with absolute beginners in mind. There are 2 programs on the CD-ROM one for READING and the other for WRITING.

There are 50 pages plus an index in the READING Program. The first 11 lessons concentrate on introducing the alphabets, with an analysis of how to read words by breaking them into syllables. The next 16 lessons concentrate on the vowel points: the rest walks the user through reading words, numbers, names of the Months, Days of the Week, phrases, basic grammar, pronouns, verbs, and sentence formation with examples. Commonly used vocabulary and its pronunciation are given in context. Samples from real text including basic conversation, and text lessons from the Holy Bible. The Lord's Prayer, The 10 Commandments, and The Beatitudes are read to you with many more lessons - all with full point and click sound features.

There is a gradual and logical introduction to the alphabet with sound in the WRITING Program with visual guides of how the letters are traced using computer animation, their position relative to the line, how they join to those before or after them, etc. Every page of Teach Yourself Modern Syriac can be printed to form your own book. Every word is translated into English including the instructions of every page to help those with limited or no Assyrian Language background.

email: info@nestorian.org

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